Over the last three months, I've learned that distribution is just as if not more important than the creation of the content itself.
Creating a quality piece of content is not an easy task. But let's say you have a great piece of content. You finally hit publish. Then, you go out for a burger. When you check your analytics, you notice that NO ONE HAS SEEN YOUR CONTENT. Seven days later, that statistic has yet to change.
The problem is not the content, but the distribution of that content. Even in traditional marketing and advertising such as billboards, you want to put the billboard up where eyes are going to see it. It's the same with content on the internet. You have to put the content where eyes will see it. The best way to do this is to distribute the content on different platforms and in different ways.
Here are 25 different ways to distribute your content -
Post an article on your blog.
Post on your personal Facebook page.
Post in a Facebook group with link.
Comment on Facebook conversations in groups with your link.
Break up into Twitter thread with the link at the end.
Post a microblog on Tumblr.
Post on Quora.
Break down thread Tweet into an Instagram post.
Create a video on LinkedIn announcing the new blog with the link.
Create a graphic with quotes from influencers in the post.
Create a LinkedIn post with the article link in the comments.
Ask Facebook friends to share the content.
Boost the post so more people see it on Facebook.
Share a QR code on Snapchat connected to your content.
Share a URL on your Snapchat story.
Share on your Instagram story with a swipe up link.
Contact influencers and pay them to share your content with a link in their bio.
Submit a link to your content to a subreddit that is related to your content.
Create a YouTube video about the topic of your content and add the link in the description.
Take the mp3 from your YouTube video and upload to your podcast with a link to the article.
Send an email to your email list with a link to your content.
Publish your link in your newsletter.
Resend to people who didn't open your email after 3 days.
Post the link to your blog on Pinterest.
Comment using your link on questions people ask on NextDoor if applicable.
This article was inspired by Ross Simmonds on Twitter and some of the ideas for content distribution were pulled from his content. If you'd like to learn more about content distribution and strategy, check out his website here.